ETISALAT FREE BROWSING CHEAT, SPEED LIKE JET Etisalat freedom is here with amazing speed on your PC, The speed is wow!
No much talk, just follow the step as provided below?.
*1. Download the Latest Freedom with Bellow Link Software that has DNS Features
*2. Dont delay, Run&Install Your Freedom on your PC after Downloading and Configure it with the Settings in other Step.
*3. YF Server:- Use any of this ems 28,29,12,03,04,25 OR
*4. Conn Mode:- DNS
*5. Tweak:- Etisalat
*6. Tick the Box 1235678
*7. Minimum Buffer Size:- 1500
*8. Reconnection Delay:- 5000
*9. Initial Post Size:- 20000000
*10. FTP Mode:- Both .
*11. SSL Protocol Version:- Any.
*12. Go to Account Information, Input your Username and Password
*13. You can Create your Own Account Using Below Link , If you want to.
*14. Save&Exit.
15. Set your Internet Browser e.g Mozilla, Google Chrome or Opera to HTTP Proxy:- || PORT:- 8080 , Tick Use for all Protocol.
Follow @don4mula